The Cost of a Trip between Batavia, Illinois and Vernon Hills, Illinois
The cost of a trip can vary greatly depending on factors such as distance, mode of transportation, and current gas prices. In this article, we will explore the cost of a trip between Batavia, Illinois and Vernon Hills, Illinois. We will examine different possible routes, their respective distances, and highlight the cost associated with each option. Based on the current gas prices, we will recommend the best route for your trip.
Possible Routes
There are several routes one can take when traveling from Batavia to Vernon Hills. Each route offers its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of distance, traffic, and cost. Let's explore the different routes:
Route 1: Via IL-56 W and I-355 N (63 miles)
This route involves taking IL-56 W and then merging onto I-355 N. The distance between Batavia and Vernon Hills using this route is approximately 63 miles.
To estimate the cost of this route, we need to consider the current gas prices and the average fuel efficiency of your vehicle. As of [April 2022], the average gas price in Illinois is $2.95 per gallon. If your vehicle has an average fuel efficiency of 25 miles per gallon, you would need approximately 2.52 gallons of gas for this trip. Thus, the estimated cost for this route would be $7.41.
Route 2: Via I-88 W and I-290 W (70 miles)
Another possible route is to take I-88 W and then merge onto I-290 W. This route is slightly longer, with a distance of approximately 70 miles.
Using the same gas price and fuel efficiency assumptions, the estimated cost for this route would be $8.70, requiring around 2.95 gallons of gas.
Route 3: Via IL-31 N and IL-120 W (66 miles)
For those who prefer a more scenic route, taking IL-31 N and then turning onto IL-120 W is a great option. This route covers a distance of approximately 66 miles.
The estimated cost for this route, based on the gas price and fuel efficiency assumptions, would be $7.77, consuming around 2.63 gallons of gas.
Recommended Route
After evaluating the different routes, considering the distances and costs associated with each, the recommended route for your trip between Batavia and Vernon Hills is Route 1, Via IL-56 W and I-355 N.
Although Route 1 and Route 3 have almost similar distances, Route 1 provides a slight advantage in terms of cost. Route 2, although slightly longer, also offers a viable option for those who prefer highways or need to avoid potential traffic on other routes.
However, it is worth mentioning that the choice of the route can also depend on other factors such as expected traffic conditions or road closures. It is always recommended to check for real-time traffic updates before embarking on your journey.
In conclusion, the trip from Batavia, Illinois to Vernon Hills, Illinois can be completed through various routes, each with its own characteristics. After considering the distances and costs associated with each route based on current gas prices, it is recommended to take Route 1, Via IL-56 W and I-355 N.
This route covers a distance of approximately 63 miles and is estimated to cost around $7.41 based on the average gas price in Illinois and an assumed fuel efficiency of 25 miles per gallon. Of course, actual costs may vary depending on fluctuations in gas prices and the specific fuel efficiency of your vehicle.
With this recommended route, you can expect to reach your destination in a reasonable amount of time, enjoying the convenience and economic advantage it offers. Safe travels!